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• • • • • NOTICE TRUTH IN LENDING ACT All ads that offer financial options for buying real estate as well as motor vehicles must comply with the Federal Truth in Lending Regulations. The act requires that ads must fully disclose the terms of a loan (down payment, monthly payment, number of payments and the annual percentage rate). Valleywide Classifieds urges its readers to notify us if we, inadvertently publish an ad(s) that is not in compliance with the Truth in Lending Act. Valleywide Classified Management 1-866-572-(SELL)7355

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NOTICE "Check your ad for accuracy the first day. Valleywide Classifieds is not responsible for more than one incorrect day or omission of copy of any ad ordered more than one time. Valleywide Classifieds assumes no responsibility for ads left out of the paper other than to schedule the ad for the next available edition. Under no circumstances shall AIM Media Texas newspapers be liable for consequential damages of any kind. Request for corrections should be made within 24 hours of the first publication by calling 1-866-572-7355 . The newspaper reserves the right to edit, reject or properly classify any copy. If you paid for your ad using a credit card, check your credit card statement for accuracy. Claims for adjustments on billing should be made within 30 days of publication. Valleywide Classifieds is not responsible for any billing claims that extend beyond 30 days of publication."

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